On 04 October 2021 at approximately 17:30, Mark Zuckerberg's ecosystem goes down.
Millions of people around the world were no longer able to use the instant messaging app WhatsApp and also Messenger closely related to the social network Facebook which could be accessed from the app, but not from the website, without being able to see updated content, like posts, comment, share or publish content of any kind.
The instant social in name and in fact, Instagram, also gave its problems, not allowing users to post and view stories and recent content.
On Twitter, unaffected by the blockade, hashtags went crazy within minutes #instagramdown, #facebookdown e #whatsappdownwhich reached more than 100,000 tweets and reached the top of the trending topics.
The 'social break' lasted more than six hours, the longest ever, considering that those previously recorded never exceeded one hour down.
But what happened?
It would appear that the blockage was due to a problem related to the DNS (Domain Name System), a tool that allows website domains to communicate with IP addresses, translating the former into numeric codes as the latter are, thus allowing the various browsers to access the website.
The long pause therefore led millions of users to comment with funny memes and gifs on the still active social networks, specifically Twitter and Telegram.
Instead, many have opted for the 'old methods', the good and 'expensive' SMS, which are no longer provided for in many telephone subscription plans.
A long pause that has led many to find an alternative digital solution and others 'old school' to go back to the basics, when the devices you always carried with you and simply called them 'mobile phones' before their technology evolved to become 'smartphones'.
But today is another day and everything is back to normal, social networks are still part of our days, and we at Smart Generation, provide you with a whole catalogue of refurbished devices that allow you to connect to them 'always'... or ALMOST 😉
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