Congratulations! You are one step away from selling.

Read, complete and accept the sales contract between the parties to conclude the transfer of your device.

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Document 1: Proposal for Sale

Dear Smart Generation srl
Via Malpighi 26/B
98122 Messina

Subject: Proposed sale of used product

I, the undersigned, aware of the civil and criminal sanctions in case of false declarations, hereby DECLARE

  • that the device indicated by the TICKET below is my exclusive property as purchased or donated, guaranteeing that it is not a stolen product and that it is not subject to attachment or lien of any kind;
  • that I have sent the subject matter to the company Smart Generation srl, which owns the website www.smartgeneration.itso that he could carry out a more careful evaluation and eventual purchase, based on the data in the evaluation TICKET;
  • that I hereby authorise the company Smart Generation srl to retain the goods if they comply with the description, releasing the same from any claim for damages or compensation, as well as contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or things caused by any failure to accept the sale;
  • that I accept the evaluation below, which may or may not be confirmed by Smart Generation until payment is made to me;
  • that, for the purposes of the economic evaluation and the consequent purchase by Smart Generation srl, I accept that the photos taken upon receipt of the product at their premises shall be authentic;
  • I acknowledge and approve that in the event that the device shipped does not comply with the description, i.e. the same is not accepted by Smart Generation or the new quotation proposed is not accepted, Smart Generation srl will return the product in accordance with the conditions indicated on the website https://www.smartgeneration.it/cdv/. The costs for both shipping and returning the product will be borne by you;
  • that I know and approve the terms and conditions of sale and its clauses, including the right of withdrawal, having read them on the website https://www.smartgeneration.it/cdv to be transcribed herein.

Document 2: Private Deed of Sale


The seller, hereinafter referred to as 'Seller';


SMART GENERATION SRL, VAT no. 03354060836, in the person of its legal representative, with registered office in Messina Via Malpighi no. 26/B, hereinafter referred to as 'Purchaser'.


  • The Vendor, having carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of sale of the products on the site www.smartgeneration.it/cdv/, proposed to Smart Generation srl the purchase of the device of the make, model, features listed in the evaluation TICKET, declaring to be the rightful owner thereof, just sale proposal attached hereto as an integral part thereof;
  • The Seller sent the product to the Buyer who, after viewing it, made his own purchase offer, which was subsequently accepted by the Seller without reservation;
  • Pursuant to Articles 1470, 1476, 1477, 1479 et seq. of the Civil Code;


  1. The Seller declares that he transfers ownership of the device to the Buyer who accepts it, at the sales price agreed upon between the parties.

  2. The Seller warrants that the goods are his exclusive property and that they are not stolen or subject to seizure and other encumbrances, relieving the Buyer of all civil and criminal liability that may arise from the purchase.

  3. The Buyer shall transfer the agreed sum in 1-2 working days (within a maximum of 7 working days in the case of exceptions), starting from the execution of this contract, to the IBAN provided by the Seller or to the PayPal account as requested by the Seller.

  4. The Seller by signing and accepting the present writing declares himself to be completely satisfied, with nothing more to be claimed by the Buyer for any reason whatsoever, subject to the successful completion of payment as agreed upon above.

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They must be the same as the payee
Enter the tax code under which we will issue the sales invoice
Please enter the same as your evaluation request
(example: TICKET625424)
Enter the serial code you received by e-mail
Enter the agreed value with our purchasing department
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
If you request payment on your PayPal account or if you are making a trade-in, you do not need to send your certified IBAN. PayPal charges fees of 3.4% on the transaction.
CERTIFIED IBAN: A screenshot from your bank's app or a photo of your bank statement showing your name and IBAN code is sufficient. Mandatory for those requesting payment on a bank account.
SELFIE WITH DOCUMENT: In order to be able to digitally sign the contract, user recognition is required. Take a photo of your face while holding the identity document you have already provided us with.
Acceptance of sales conditions